
Friday, June 11, 2010

Elevator Anxiety

I've always wondered why on earth the emergency button on the elevator panel was all the way at the bottom. It usually sits next to the alarm button or call button. The emergency button varies in design. Sometimes it looks just like the other buttons but has a red trim and a small red center. Sometimes it's pushed out farther than the others, and in that case it is always big and red. Other times it's a pull/push lever or button. Meaning push to stop, pull to run.

In almost EVERY elevator I have been in, these buttons are at the bottom of the panel directly finger pushing level to a toddler. Obviously, whoever designs elevators lives at home with cats and not a rabid 20 month old toddler boy with enough energy to even wear Richard Simmons out. I've been working on Tyler in public places. Teaching him to stay with my in crowded places. How to keep his hands to himself. But come on! You stick a two and a half foot tasmanian devil in a confined space with a big bright red button that is exactly eye level and you expect them not to push it? It screams PUSH ME! Set off the alarm! Get the big loud firetruck to come!

Luckily, (knock on wood)We have not had the pleasure of Tyler actually going through with it, but we have had some extremely close calls. It just blows my mind sometimes when I think of how this world is evidently not baby friendly in any way shape or form. Or maybe this has nothing to do with the kids and everything to do with the guy in the camera watching all the mothers inside the four foot circumference running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to block that tiny little finger from pushing the button from hell.

Of course another country invented this...

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