
Friday, February 5, 2010

Griffith Park Pony Rides

What: The Griffith Park Pony rides. Including Wagon rides, and Train rides.
Where: Los Feliz and Riverside Dr.
When: Tuesday-Sunday (10am-4pm)
How old: 1+
How much: $3 pony rides/ $3 wagon rides/ $2.50 train rides
Phone #: 323-664-3266

I was really hesitant about taking Tyler to the Griffith park pony rides because he wasn't to keen on getting anywhere near a friend of mine's one year old mustang. The good thing was that these ponies were no taller than my chest, and much less intimidatng than the already enormous mustang. We approached a booth where a very nice man informed us of the two different pony rides. The first ride, the "beginners" ride, was held in a gated off circle, where the ponies were all linked together and you are able to walk right beside your little one as they enjoy the ride. The man continued to inform us that if there were any problems with our son getting on the pony, he would be happy to reimburse our three dollars.

Everyone there was very friendly and helpful, approaching me as I approached the gated ring. Tyler was fastened into the saddle, and instinctively grabbed onto the leather horn in front of him. I was so proud of my little guy I could cry. I had a smile plastered to my face as I walked with him round and round, showing him how to gently stroke the horse's hair. There wasn't one second where he showed signs of fear or disinterest. He rode that pony for his first time like a champ!



After conquering the beginner course, Brian (Tyler's father) and I debated whether or not Tyler would be able to go on the real pony ride without having a meltdown. The main pony ride goes around a scenic track guided by a wooden white fence. Only this time, mommy wouldn't be by his side. Mommy wouldn't even be there to help him in the saddle. We agreed it was worth a shot and spent another three bucks for the slow lane pony ride. By my surprise, Tyler slid into the instructors arms without a peep. The man placed Tyler on the pony, belted him in and Tyler busted out a huge smile! I was so relieved and so enthralled that this was going exactly how I had hoped.

And off he went, Just a boy and a horse, slowly walking along together. Brian and I followed along in the wagon path, waving and taking photos. The best moment was when a pony trotted by in the fast lane, and Tyler belted out some "ooh's and aah's." We had a blast!




Not only does this attraction have pony rides, but a horse drawn wagon ride and a little train ride. This Griffith park attraction also comes with free parking, picnic tables, and a snack bar fully equipt with hot dogs, hamburgers, and other entrees. It is also a great way to introduce trains and horseback as a way of transportation. You can even teach your child how to respect these large animals by showing them proper care and love!

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